Audio Sermon Archive



February 2017

Epiphany V

The Wheat and the Tares

January 2017

Epiphany IV

Praying with Faith and Confidence

Epiphany III

The Miracle of the Changing of Water Into Wine as a Sign

Epiphany I

Jesus Can Be Found By Anyone Who Seeks Him

Christmas I

We Have God’s Blessings

December 2016

Christmas Day

God’s Greatest Gift

Christmas Eve

If Christ Had Not Been Born

Advent IV

God Is With Us

Advent III

A Sense of Joy in Our Hearts

Advent II

Prepare the Way of the Lord

November 2016

Advent I

Preparing to Meet Christ

Thanksgiving Eve

Finding Joy in Gratitude

Sunday Before Advent

A Small Miracle Within a Large Miracle

Trinity XXV

Vigilance and Reconciliation

Trinity XXIV

Where to Find Help